Well hells bells, your favorite bipolar slut back whore has been anything but the sort lately. One of my meds were increased last month in hopes of calming the raging bitchiness. I have yet to decide if mission accomplished, but indeed it seems it has served my libido an eviction notice. Mr. C was on my last damn nerve, and Mr. P still has me stunned/pissed about his last visit. So, I would think that I was in a FUCK ALL MEN, THEY'RE GOOD FOR NOTHING mood, but I haven't even wanted a party for one ; ). Hmm....my meds are fucking with my material. What ever will I entertain you krazies with? I've been contemplating picking up a copy of Fifty Shades just to see if I can light my own fire.
Ya know, I'm extremely fatigued lately. To tell you the truth, nothing sounds sexier to me than sleeping 12 uninterrupted hours alone in my big comfy bed. Parenting is taking a toll on me. I'm so fucking sick of diapers, Barney, video games, and snotty noses til I can't stand it anymore. There are many days that I daydream about locking myself up in the bathroom with a bottle of Patron, a klonopin cocktail, & my mp3 player. Guess what kids...mommy has spazzed the fuck out! Ya better go catch a Capri Sun & some fruit snacks & try back later. Maybe I'm fucked up for having said it, but you bitches know you think it too. I think brain surgery is easier than being a mom. Women don't get enough fucking credit for the shit we do.
I just wanted to bless the world with a few lines of no real significance, because I'm krazy kool like that. I do have some real shit to post so stay tuned. <3 Muah <3 Later peeps....